
The 法学院 offers certificates to students wishing to develop specialized expertise in a particular area of law. 证书 are awarded to students who have completed all requirements for graduation with additional course work in the following areas.




二年级和三年级的学生可以选择专攻环境法, 获得环境法证书.  Students who have met the certificate requirements by the time of graduation will have this distinction noted on their transcripts and receive a certificate.

This certificate program is designed to recognize students who commit themselves to this fascinating and challenging area of study. 但它也意在为学习其他重要的核心课程留出空间. We strongly believe that one must first be a good lawyer before one can become an effective environmental lawyer.




The Certificate in 国际法律研究 is designed to help prepare law students for professional careers in the emerging global economy. A student choosing to complete the requirements for this certificate will acquire an understanding of the conceptual framework of the international legal order, 并将在毕业时获得一份特殊证书.

Students are eligible to receive the certificate upon the successful completion of all requirements for graduation in either the civil law curriculum or the common law curriculum plus four additional courses aggregating at least 10 credit hours selected from a list of elective courses.




The 法学院 offers a 法律、技术和创业 certificate to meet the increased demand in the job market for trained lawyers who advise entrepreneurs. 法律 students completing the certificate can also graduate equipped with the skills needed to become entrepreneurs themselves.

The coursework required for the certificate provides training on both business creation and technology issues.  在商业方面, students complete both 业务 Organizations (LAW L746) and the 业务 Planning Seminar (LAW L867).  在研讨会上, students learn each step required to create a business from the initial conception to final incorporation.  学生们也被鼓励加入 创业项目 (法律L880), which allows students to earn credit while advising local start-ups with their legal and business needs.

在技术方面, 获得证书的学生学习知识产权(LAW L801)和法律 & 技术研讨会(LAW L967).  The seminar provides students with an overview of relevant modern digital technologies and legal doctrines. 学生将获得网络和应用技术的概述.  The course will also cover the intersection of these technologies with relevant aspects of intellectual property law, 隐私法, 互联网法律, 商法和通信法.

学生也可以参加 技术与法律创新 诊所(LAW L897).  在这个诊所里, students design and implement technology projects aimed at assisting legal practitioners and increasing access to justice. Students learn to write software code and work with data and then put these skills into practice to solve real-world legal problems.

The 法学院 complements the certificate program with a regular roster of speakers including entrepreneurs, 专注于支持创业活动的501(c)(3)组织, 以经济发展为重点的政府机构和部门, 以及当地技术皇冠365官方app的成员.




The 社会正义 Certificate 程序 aims to recognize and enhance Loyola’s core mission of advancing social justice and pursuing academic excellence through the Jesuit ideals.  通过实践经验和专注的学术研究, students will be better positioned to effectively advocate for social justice in non-profit and government settings, as well as provide a strong signal of a student’s commitment to social justice to fellowship programs and future employers.  The experiential component requires that students complete the equivalent of one academic year of supervised legal work addressing the needs of the poor and marginalized.  The doctrinal component focuses on the legal and policy frameworks that structure rights and access for the poor and marginalized.



斯图亚特·H. 史密斯法律诊所和社会正义中心

二年级和三年级的学生可以选择专攻税法, 获得税法证书. Students who have met the certificate requirements by the time of graduation will have this distinction noted on their transcripts and receive a certificate.

This certificate program is designed for students who commit themselves to intense study of the law of taxation, are willing to spend hours assisting low-income taxpayers in preparing individual income tax returns and will be engaged in solving problems that a practicing tax attorney would see in private or governmental practice.




Loyola 法律’s Certificate in 移民和公民法律与实践 develops professional practice skills by emphasizing experiential learning in the core academic courses and by requiring two semesters of immigration clinic.  Students who earn the certificate have completed coursework that provides a foundation for practice in the areas of immigration law, 庇护和难民法, 以及公民入籍法.

This certificate program furthers the law school’s core mission of working for social justice and enables students who are committed to public interest work to have their commitment and work honored at graduation by earning the certificate.  该项目努力满足当地对移民专业知识的需求, 州和全国皇冠365官方app.

证书课程的学生包括玛丽凯特理查森, 2018届毕业生, 被选为今年25名移民司法团成员之一, who will be working with the Refugee and Immigrant Center for Legal Services (RAICES) Family Detention program after she graduates; Allison Sickle, 2018届毕业生, selected to serve a two year clerkship with the 新奥尔良 Immigration Court; Maria Deguzman, 2016届毕业生, US Navy JAG Corps; and Kaitlin Locascio, 2016届毕业生, 新奥尔良天主教慈善移民服务处.



Students may elect to concentrate in the area of 卫生法律 and earn a Certificate in 卫生法律 upon graduation. 获得卫生法证书, 一个候选人, 谁修过商业组织的必修课程, 还必须成功完成12个额外小时的课程作业, 如证书要求所述. 


